neuer Polini 303


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neuer Polini 303

Beitrag von c_a » Mo 22. Feb 2021, 08:23

Hallo Forum,

von Polini gibt es demnächst etwas neues zu kaufen:

Hier die technischen Daten:
Polini Engine 2 stroke monocylinder
Cooling Liquid cooled
Bore for stroke 76 x 62
Displacement 281 cm3
Power 38 HP at 8000 rpm
*Max trust 120 Kg with Ø 160 cm propeller
R.P.M. max 8.400
Cylinder Aluminum with Gilnisil coating
Compression ratio 11,2:1
Piston Two trapezoidal chromium plated rings
Intake Reed valve in the crankcase
Carburetor Dell’Orto VHST 28mm
Air filter Air box
Ignition Electronic CDI with adj. advance
Battery charger prearrangement Output power 80 W at 5500 RPM
Spark plug hood 5k Ω resistance
**Fuel type E5 petrol or LL AV GAS-al with 2,5% synthetic oil 100%
*Consumption 3 Lh 30 Kg a of static trust
Gear reduction unit Helicoidal teeth in oil bath with 2,8 or 3,2 reduction ratio
Starter Flash Starter – (Electric starter -optional)
Clutch Centrifugal in oil bath
Muffler Expansion with aluminum silencer
Engine weight Starting from Kg 20,5 (manual starter model +radiator)
Propeller rotation Clockwise